Sunday Worship Gathering In-Person and Online @ 10:00 AM
Grace City exists to glorify God by making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ who celebrate, proclaim, and display the gospel as a community of believers in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We Worship
We gather on Sunday to sing, to pray, to give, to build up one another, to hear the Bible read and preached, and to celebrate baptism and the Lord’s Supper—together. It’s simple stuff that shapes us for life now and forever.
We Care
Jesus calls us to follow him together. We meet in small groups throughout the Northeast to spur one another on to love and good deeds as we follow Jesus on mission in the everyday stuff of life.

We Serve
We try to take seriously Jesus’ command to love one another and to love our neighbors, whether they’ve lived in the Northeast their whole lives or they’re new neighbors coming to us from the nations.
From serving expectant mothers to children, students, immigrants, seniors, and more, there’s a place for you to use your gifts for God’s glory and others’ good.

We Send
God the Father sent the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit to save us, and Jesus sends us on mission with the power of that same Holy Spirit. By God’s grace, we have started two churches and helped sustain a few more in the last several years. The sacrifice is real, but Jesus is worth it. We hope to send people across our city and the world so that more people can know Jesus.
We Send
God the Father sent the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit to save us, and Jesus sends us on mission with the power of that same Holy Spirit. By God’s grace, we have started two churches and helped sustain a few more in the last several years. The sacrifice is real, but Jesus is worth it. We hope to send people across our city and the world so that more people can know Jesus.