Advent Gatherings
Advent Gatherings
As we enjoy this Christmas season, we are excited to gather together to stir our hearts to joyful anticipation on Wednesdays December 4th & 18th for two Advent Gatherings. We will begin our nights together at 7:00pm and enjoy singing, scripture reading, and a short Advent meditation each night. After that, we will enjoy fellowship over cookies and milk or coffee. There will not be childcare during these gatherings, but the content of each evening is for all ages.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Please join us for our annual Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24, at 5:00 PM. We will spend about an hour together to sing, listen to Christ’s birth story in scripture readings, and have a short Christmas meditation. After that, we will enjoy our tradition of singing Silent Night by candlelight. There will not be childcare during these gatherings, but it is a family friendly evening. We hope you can join us as we celebrate Jesus’ birth!