What to Expect
Every Sunday we take time to reflect on our need for God, encounter his presence, celebrate his worth, and receive his grace from the gospel. We do this through song, Scripture readings, prayer, fellowship, gifts of the Spirit, the preaching of God’s Word, & the Lord’s Supper.
Every week we post a Sunday Gathering preview.

First Time Here?
If you’re planning your first visit to a Sunday Gathering, here are some practical things you’ll want to know:
- We try to start at 10:00 AM. Our gathering usually lasts until around 11:45 AM.
- We have a guest table right inside of our front entry where we can answer any questions you may have about our church. Please be sure to stop by because we have a gift for you.
- We really like to sing. Even if you don’t know the songs, listen to the words and think about how they communicate truth about God, his love for us, and how worthy he is of our joyful worship. We love to stand and sing but feel free to sit down anytime you want to continue to sing, pray, or just listen.
- If you will have children with you, you’ll want to check out our Grace4Kids page before Sunday.
- If you would like to be prayed for or have questions about becoming a Christian, please come up to the front of the auditorium at the end of the meeting where people will be available to talk and pray with you.
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What We Teach
Grace City Church of the NE
8950 Ashton RD
Philadelphia, PA 19136
Philadelphia, PA 19136