First Friday Prayer

We gather to pray at 7pm on the First Friday of the month

We meet at the church building in the side room adjacent to the main entrance and lobby.

Please check our calendar for an up-to-date schedule as we may periodically take a month off due to conflicting events.  


What should I expect?


This time is agenda-free. We begin First Fridays by simply asking the Holy Spirit to come and direct us—specifically who and what we should pray for and how we should pray. It’s our desire to give him free reign during our time.

Since this time is agenda-free, there is no telling when it ends! If you can only come for part of the time, we encourage you to still come and stay as long as you can.  


Because we give the time to the Spirit, First Fridays often involve waiting upon the Lord in silence. This is necessary because we live in a culture that constantly bombards us with media, communication and busyness.

We are conditioned to regularly check our phone, scroll through social media feeds, text our friends or watch the next episode of a show. It’s important that we step aside from the busyness and like Mary sit at the feet of our friend and king Jesus (Lk 10:36ff).


Prayer is far more than a list of requests. We can often belittle our Lord by only bringing request. When we have sat at his feet and surrendered our attention to him, there often results a well-spring of praise.

You may find individuals praying Scripture and giving praise to God. But you may also have someone spontaneously lead us in song. We encourage all to be obedient to pray your praise and even join into song as the Spirit leads.  


At times when we come before the Lord there is a need to realign our hearts and to tell him our hurts. We hope that this is a safe place where sin can be confessed and where complaints can be brought before God. He invites us to honestly lay our twisted, frustrated hearts before him. And while it might become a bit messy, it is no less one of the ways in which we demonstrate our trust in him.  


The Spirit often leads us to intercede for our church family, our neighborhood and city as well as for the global church. At times the Spirit also direct us to minister to one another. There may be encouragement given through Scripture reading, prophetic words/songs or intercession.