WorkRight Conference

During 2025, the WorkRight Manual will be released. Following its release, we will hold a gathering on Tuesday, May 6, to introduce it along with our plans to walk through the sections of the manual, over time, in periodic workshops. Sign up below to receive a notification when more details for May 6 are released.
What is WorkRight?
The purpose of this ministry is to provide guidance for Christians to follow the example of Jesus Christ in our places of employment. As Christians in our communities – as salt and light – we can be a witness of our union with Christ wherein our communities flourish under a workforce that loves its neighbors, serves everyone with integrity, and displays biblical world values.
Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving
the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Our desire is to encourage one another in knowing and believing that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, sustaining and maintaining all of creation including its history. He empowers us through his Holy Spirit to be witnesses of the gospel in the workplace, whereby we can encourage all people to do the right things the right way, for the right reasons. We are created as God’s workmanship. God has positioned us to do good works, be creative, and foster beauty in His creation. God has put us among others, our neighbors, to love them. Yet our identity is not in our work but in using our work to love others and worship the Lord (Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14, 2 Corinthians 9:8).
Course Development and Program Leader: This workshop and WorkRight ministry was developed by Gary A. Burlingame based on his more than 40 years of work experience. Gary, a member of Grace City Church of the Northeast, is a retired environmental scientist who directed a large environmental laboratory, a multicultural workforce, and an annual operating budget exceeding 11 million dollars. Gary has been trained in facilitation, quality management, and leadership. Gary has also trained employees in ethical and safe practices. He has arranged conferences and workshops internationally and was an adjunct professor at a major university, having received both BS and MS degrees. In addition, Gary is a well-published scientific author as well as an author of multiple Christian books. Gary served as a deacon in mercy ministry for more than ten years in Philadelphia.